"Mining" at Gold Rush.........

a young girl holding up a rock from a winter snow digging pit

We use the word "mining" because you are actively panning, sifting, hand digging or exploring for treasures. Each activity allows the "prospector" to search or "mine" for treasures just like early pioneers did during the gold rush years and beyond.

We use the word "adventure" because when you are actively searching or exploring for something hidden you are on an adventure. 

We offer a variety of "mining adventures" (ways to discover your treasure). All "mining" activities are done at our location within one of our custom created "mining" stations. Each activity is appropriate for all ages. An identification brochure is also included with each package. 


Our "Mining" Discovery Stations:

The Water Sluice: We offer two custom built water sluices or troughs, one is exclusively used to pan for gold, the other, a large two level box used for gemstone and fossil panning. Each sluice is where water continuously circulates throughout the trough by way of a pump.

Prospectors will use a pan if you are panning for gold or a screen box if you are processing gem or fossil treasures.  The process itself requires the prospector to load their pan or screen with the treasure mix, lower it carefully into the water while you sift and shake the tray, the action within the water will separate the soil mix from the gems or fossils allowing your treasures to appear.

Digging Pits: We currently offer two different themed pits, each are decorated to appear like the "theme" that goes with it. The treasure is buried beneath velvety smooth sand waiting to be uncovered by the prospector who will search the sand by hand, just as you would if you were at the beach, to find the hidden treasures.

  1. Under the Sea: This area is custom designed as a coral reef complete with sharks and sea life placed to represent elements under the sea. A life size Great White shark head appears as if it is diving down to greet the "diver" (the participant).  A sand pit of soft, silky blue sand is set at the bottom of the sea decor to complete the setting.
  2. Jurassic Jungle: Go on a Jurassic journey with our custom designed jungle decorated to stimulate your imagination. The set decor offers active volcano's, dinosaur sounds, a rock water-scape, many dinosaurs and black silky sand pits.

 Gem Mine or Cosmic Galaxy: An exceptional treat to all who experience them. Decorated to appear like a gem cave or cosmic galaxy depending upon the treasure option chosen. Prospectors will explore the crevices within these creatively designed options and hand pick hidden treasures waiting to be extracted. 

  1. Gem Mine: Treasure seekers will explore for their hidden gems within our representation of a cave filled with colorful sparkling gems and stalactites. 
  2. Cosmic Galaxy: Go where few men/women have gone before, entering into a galaxy far far away. This environment takes the treasure explorers imagination on an intergalactic journey through celestial bodies of billions of stars, colorful nebula's and shooting comets. A large asteroid is in the center of the galaxy and serves as an additional place to search for treasures. Watch out for extraterrestrials, you just may catch one!  

Custom Geode Cracker: We offer 2 Customized Machines developed so that you will be the one to crack open the geode of your choosing.

  1. Our Pirate Ship Wheel: You will crank the pirate ship wheel to crack open a geode to reveal its glistening crystalline center.
  2. The Great White Shark's Kraken Jaws: You will use the Kraken Jaws underneath our great white shark, Seamore, to crack open and divulge the never before seen crystals within.